Is There Really A Right Way To Parent? (Mom Thoughts)

As a mom, I keep hearing "that's not the right way to do that" or "you should really do it this way".  But is there really a right and wrong way to parent?

Obviously there is some things you just shouldn't do, such as leaving your child in a hot car, which apparently is too hard of a task for some parents.  I have realized that there is not a right way to parent, but rather a better way.

Every parent is different, therefor the way they take care of their children is not going to be the same.  I believe there is a better way for every individual parent.  What I consider is best for my child, may not be the best for another parent and child and that is okay!  For example, I like to hold my baby until he falls asleep.  I know other parents who would rather leave their child in the crib and let them cry themselves to sleep.  Those parents could easily say I am spoiling my child and I could say they are neglecting theirs, but are we really doing those things?  My thought is that whether a baby is cuddled to sleep or left to fall asleep on their own, isn't the outcome still the same?  In the end, that child still closes his or her eyes and drifts off into their own little fantasy land of baby sharks, princesses in castles, or maybe just a lifetime supply of milk.

My point isn't about how to put your child to sleep, but I used that scenario because that is an example I have witnessed since becoming a mom.  Being raised with different traditions, lifestyles and backgrounds is what makes everyone unique. In the end, parents are doing what they think is best for their child.  


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